DLA2022 Pre-/Post- Conference On-Line Software Workshops
Laubwerk: Parametrical Plant Distribution on Terrains and Splines with Laubwerk SurfaceSPREAD
Schedule: Weds Jun 8, 9:30a – 11:00a EDT
On-Line Link: to be provided by workshop Presenters.
Presenters: Jan Walter Schliep and Philip Paar, Laubwerk
SurfaceSPREAD is a Cinema 4D plugin for distributing (“scattering”) large amounts of object clones such as trees and shrubs over landscape scenes. By reacting to the topology of the landscape, SurfaceSPREAD lets users create both realistic and phantastic images and animations. Maxon Cinema 4D is a popular a 3D software suite for modeling, animation, simulation, and rendering available for macOS and Windows.
Learning Objectives :
Participants in this workshop will
1. Learn to work with the SurfaceSPREAD object and distribute different kind of trees on terrain.
2. Discover the SplineSPREAD object by plating tree rows on splines.
3. Get an overview of the use of the wide selection of straightforward parameters to influence the distribution, alignment, scaling, and display of clone objects, as well as maximize the overall speed and performance of the landscape scene.
4. Learn how to manually control distributions with help of splines, vertex painting, bitmaps, or distribution modifiers.
Note: No additional registration fee; but you must have a paid Conference registration to be registered for the workshop
For details look for email from workshop leaders in the weeks before the workshop date on June 8, 2022 or June 11, 2022..
Questions or Problems, email dla2022Conf@gmail.com