Cambridge – Boston Field Trip
Saturday June 11, 2022 9a – 5p EDT
A guided mostly-Walking Tour in 2 parts:
(Morning 9a-12p) a quick walk through Harvard and MIT campuses; followed by a walk along the the Rose Kennedy Greenway to Boston’s new ‘Seaport’ waterfront, and Lunch on your own; then
… (afternoon 2p-5p) a walk from the Boston Common / Gardens along Commonwealth Avenue to the Back-Bay Fens and along a fragment of Olmsted’s “Emerald Necklace”, and finally back to the GSD.
You may choose either or both segments.
We expect about 25,000+ steps total ! Sturdy walking shoes and a T-pass or $10 for public T fares required, plus lunch-money. Some water will be provided; bring your own bottle if you can.
Meet Saturday morning at the GSD front Quincy St. steps at 9 AM ; or afternoon at Park St T station at 2 pm, back @ GSD by 5 pm.* Tentative / Details may change. Questions or problems, please contact DLA2022@gsd.harvard.edu